Gå till hjart-lungfonden.se
Insamlat hittills: 400 kronor
Insamlingsmål: 1 000 kr

Om insamlingen

I’ve started the crowdfunding Heal the heart whilst training for Mitja Barcelona, a half marathon on February 11’th.

Attempting to fund 1 000 SEK to the organization Hjärt-Lungfonden (translated: Heart- and lung foundation) that collect means for research within the field of heart and lung diseases.

Hjärt- och lungfondens aim as well as mine is to make a difference and let more people have the possibility to lead a longer and healthier life. And hopefully make running a sport for everyone 🏃‍♀️

Let’s heal the hearts and contribute together!

Thanks for your support 🫶 (Press Ge en gåva to proceed)

Swisha en gåva

Bidra till insamlingen genom att swisha direkt till 90 91 92 7 ange enbart siffrorna 016034 som meddelande.

Det kan ta upp till en dag innan gåvan visas. Som givare blir man anonym.


Mimi N 100 kr 2023-11-13
Obradovic Alexandra 100 kr 2023-11-03
Helen Strandberg 100 kr 2023-11-02
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  • Plusgiro 90 91 92-7

  • Bankgiro 909-1927

  • Swish 90 91 92 7